Art Direction and Creative + Photoshoot — 2005

3 min readNov 11, 2023

Original article on my Creative blog

I still feel like 2005 wasn’t that long ago, but wow it was — I can’t believe 2005 was already 18 years ago.

In 2005, I worked as an art director in an advertising agency in Hong Kong.

I have participated in many interesting projects in this agency, but the most important project for me has to be the “2005 13th Hong Kong International Jewelry Manufacturing Exhibition”

From understanding the background of the campaign and the history of the organisation, to discussing the creative concept with the creative director and in-house visualist, and thinking of the campaign slogan with the copywriter, it was an intensive brainstorming session.

After coming up with some ideas and implementing them into different layouts, our client was very happy with one of the options. (The theme, as you may have guessed, is “temptation.” The client chose the fourth option below and I also think it offers visual storytelling and is more elegant to implement.)

Once the budget is approved, the next step is to choose the models.




Articles mainly in Cantonese, sometime English or German, about Hongkong politic or life in Germany. 非華裔香港人。文章以粤語及正體中文為主,偶有英語或德語。主要寫香港政治歷史,有時寫語文研究/天文/德國生活。