LadykyliePapa is home! 爸爸回家了!The most beautiful scene after a whole day at work and coming home 爸爸放工回家最感動的場面(不是老婆的coffee or tea or me)Oct 6, 2021Oct 6, 2021
LadykylieThere Is Never a Perfect Time to Have KidsMany people say when you are too young (as in 18–25), you should not have baby. And when you are too old (as in after mid 30s or up), you…Sep 4, 2019Sep 4, 2019
LadykylieGermany hospital food 德國住院食物Hospital is not a hotel, it is not an ideal place to stay, and the only time people are happy to be in a hospital is giving birth, I guess…Feb 1, 2020Feb 1, 2020
LadykylieWhy don’t I post the photos of my kid on social mediaFinally, my child is born. After 10 months of all those puking, belly being kicked and countless check-ups, imaging how he will looks like…Feb 17, 2020Feb 17, 2020
LadykylieHow is this like: A day with the new-bornI never expected it is an easy job to be a mom, starting from taking care of a new-born. But knowing it and really do the work are two…Mar 7, 2020Mar 7, 2020
Ladykylie生仔要考牌?你做人都要考牌啊!「怪獸家長」很討人厭,不是過份澀愛讓或虐待小朋友,就縱容小孩騷擾別人而不管。 當孩子變成了「屁孩」也非常討人厭,所以很多人說「生仔要考牌」,意思是沒有做父母的覺悟就不要生小孩。May 7, 2020May 7, 2020
LadykylieMum’s life vs Single life 有小孩前後生活對比I am explaining it in drawings. Only mothers (who have no domestic helpers!) can understand this. 今次主要是畫出來。只有做母親的(尤其沒有工人幫手)才明白啊。Jul 1, 20201Jul 1, 20201
LadykylieIt’s ok not to have kids 不想生小孩沒問題當然我會告訴你當父母真的很感動,但沒有做所有工作的覺悟、不是自己想要小孩還是不要生了,兩夫妻沒小孩其實自在得多啦。Feb 3, 2021Feb 3, 2021
Ladykylie「尊師重道」經常聽,但「教畜」這字卻怎麼不早一點出現呢?記得6/7歲,讀小學一、二年級的時候,有個女老師不知為何超級針對我,然而小時候一直被灌輪老師/醫生/警察都是好人的正面思想,小孩子未懂得去想什麼是「例外」。 那位老師經常說些讓我很難堪的話。很小的一件事,她也會叫我站出去對著全班說教,可以說去到欺凌的地步。Mar 14, 20211Mar 14, 20211
Ladykylie未有孩子的人給的育兒意見近年香港經常有人說「生仔要考牌」,聽上去頗苛刻,但由於真的有不少父母過度寵愛或是虐待自己的小孩,這個說法也不無道理。Mar 24, 2021Mar 24, 2021
LadykylieEs hat nichts mit dem sogenannten “Feminismus” zu tun: Nur ein ”Mamaboy” macht keine Hausarbeit…Einige Männer sagten, er arbeite bereits Vollzeit, daher sollte die Vollzeitmutter (Ehefrau) alle Kinderbetreuungsarbeit und auch alle…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
LadykylieIt has nothing to do with the so-called “feminism”: Only a Mamaboy does not do any housework after…Some men said they are already working full-time, so the full-time mother (wife) should do all childcare work, as well as all housework…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
Ladykylie跟所謂的女權無關:除非你是媽寶兒子,否則婚後有小孩不可能完全不做家務不時看到一些全職媽媽說丈夫完全不幫忙做家務時,就會有些人附和說: 到外面工作的一方(丈夫),回到家裡還要做家務根本不人道。另外一些人又會說「女人的工作一直都是這樣,現在女權運動讓女人都不肯做自己的工作了」。…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021