LadykylieDon’t worry, you will meet your Mr. rightI am not a relationship expert and I rarely write about relationships.Mar 31, 2019Mar 31, 2019
LadykylieThere Is Never a Perfect Time to Have KidsMany people say when you are too young (as in 18–25), you should not have baby. And when you are too old (as in after mid 30s or up), you…Sep 4, 2019Sep 4, 2019
Ladykylie【「你唔係好中意英國咩,最後嫁個德國人『走佬』」:中傷人都有小小時序邏輯,否則同五毛藍屍有乜分別? 】Sorry,呢個post可能無乜公共性,不過既然關係個page嘅版主(我),咁就喺度講一講。Oct 28, 2019Oct 28, 2019
LadykylieSign that you are dating men who are only there to waste your time.I would say I am in a rather happy place now, regarding relationship.Dec 28, 2019Dec 28, 2019
Ladykylie傷心很多次,但最後他會找到你。身邊有些朋友覺得單身了很久,或是每次拍他情傷都很深,覺得這一輩子都不會找到一個跟自己走下去的人而傷心難過,想放棄但又因此更加傷心,我想就此分享一下自己的想法。May 13, 2020May 13, 2020
Ladykylie新人嫌海外婚宴『人情收太少!?』說到婚宴人情(Money as Wedding Gift),我一直認為是很個人的事,要不要給、給多少也應該很隨意;我亦很少過問別人,因為的確「關我春事」啊。個人看法是:什麼「公價」也只是參考,不能說沒付到哪個價錢就是「寒酸」云云。Apr 12, 2021Apr 12, 2021
LadykylieEs hat nichts mit dem sogenannten “Feminismus” zu tun: Nur ein ”Mamaboy” macht keine Hausarbeit…Einige Männer sagten, er arbeite bereits Vollzeit, daher sollte die Vollzeitmutter (Ehefrau) alle Kinderbetreuungsarbeit und auch alle…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
LadykylieIt has nothing to do with the so-called “feminism”: Only a Mamaboy does not do any housework after…Some men said they are already working full-time, so the full-time mother (wife) should do all childcare work, as well as all housework…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
Ladykylie跟所謂的女權無關:除非你是媽寶兒子,否則婚後有小孩不可能完全不做家務不時看到一些全職媽媽說丈夫完全不幫忙做家務時,就會有些人附和說: 到外面工作的一方(丈夫),回到家裡還要做家務根本不人道。另外一些人又會說「女人的工作一直都是這樣,現在女權運動讓女人都不肯做自己的工作了」。…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
LadykylieBL跟Gay漫畫的分別,性少眾相關文章六月是Pride Month,我以前有畫過一下BL的插畫,而這張是為同志朋友畫的,所以風格不太一樣。此文略述一下,BL跟Gay/LGBTQ 的相似卻大不同、還有簡介Pride month / 分享現實LGBTQ性小眾等一些看法/問題。Jun 8, 20211Jun 8, 20211
LadykylieWhy You should NOT Cheat on Your Partner…Many love to normalise something that is obviously wrong, such as cheating. These people want to justify cheating so that they can ..Aug 24, 2021Aug 24, 2021
Ladykylie人造人18號及她選了克林是否一朵鮮花插在牛糞上…可是在人造人篇(叫斯路篇也好)後段,18號居然跟Krillin(港譯無閑,原音譯克林)一起了,到了布歐篇還生兒育女⋯⋯那時的我是覺得簡直是太不匹配了,這不就正是「一朵鮮花插在牛糞上」嗎?!那時我也…Sep 23, 2021Sep 23, 2021