LadykylieDon’t laugh at other people’s accent — or are you sure it was just the accent?No matter what language, I guess.May 29, 2019May 29, 2019
LadykylieThere Is Never a Perfect Time to Have KidsMany people say when you are too young (as in 18–25), you should not have baby. And when you are too old (as in after mid 30s or up), you…Sep 4, 2019Sep 4, 2019
Ladykylie【「你唔係好中意英國咩,最後嫁個德國人『走佬』」:中傷人都有小小時序邏輯,否則同五毛藍屍有乜分別? 】Sorry,呢個post可能無乜公共性,不過既然關係個page嘅版主(我),咁就喺度講一講。Oct 28, 2019Oct 28, 2019
Ladykylie講報應/天堂地獄,全都是「打飛機」自我精神安慰。Karma is a joke. 跟朋友聊了幾句,有感而發。 好多時我們見到一些人做盡壞事,卻又沒法對他們做出什麼制裁、只能眼白白看著牠們消遙法外,就會罵他們會落地獄,他們下世會受苦做畜牲被屠宰,或是說他們會有「報應」。Jan 17, 20201Jan 17, 20201
Ladykylie家父於香港時間二零二零年四月十二日早、德國時間四月十一日晚蒙主寵召My father has gone to be with the Lord on 12 Apr 2020 in the morning (HongKong time).Apr 11, 2020Apr 11, 2020
LadykylieStop explaining yourself to people who don’t care to understandThe title is a conclusion. Many may hear about it, thought about it, and thought they understand. However, to apply it in real life isn’t…Apr 23, 2020Apr 23, 2020
Ladykylie【因為幫她解釋自己是香港人不是某國人而認識的朋友】有網友提到他上德文課時要自我介紹,當他說自己來自香港時,老師問是否即是某國。老師純綷不清楚亞洲國家的狀況,並無惡意,但就被在場某國學生大罵香港是支國。Jul 31, 20201Jul 31, 20201
Ladykylie年輕人工作不要怕蝕底,也不要被無良僱主佔便宜。我年輕時,是上司給我多少,就硬食多少的員工,因為我覺得年輕力壯可以「捱」就「捱」吧。這是真的,不要經常計算自己做多了就「蝕底」了,但是!也千萬不要被無良僱主利用這個心態。Aug 29, 2020Aug 29, 2020
LadykylieLive life with no regrets 別讓人生有太多後悔4 years ago today, I sold most of my personal belongings and moved to another country with an uncertain future… 四年前的今天,我把自己的物品都賣掉了,再移居到另一國家Sep 17, 2020Sep 17, 2020
LadykylieWhen I was 24, I met a 36 years old bixxhOver the years, I keep on thinking of some people who annoyed me, insulted me or made me sad in the past. A long gone past. And no, I didn’tSep 30, 2020Sep 30, 2020
Ladykylie日有所思夜有所夢?解夢其實是理解心理狀況大家或許也會有造一些奇怪但印象深刻的夢,有時是跟日間生活上有關連的事,然而不少似乎跟日常生活似乎毫無關連的夢境,卻才是真實反映心理狀況的夢境。Oct 7, 2020Oct 7, 2020
Ladykylie2020快完了,大家感覺如何了?對很多人而言,今年單單因為武漢肺炎而引致的不便就已經非常痛苦。 不能見到親友,社交活動被限制,本來對人的心理已理很大影響,加上實質因為武肺而帶來的減薪、失業、工作或就業延期讓人更加失落。有朋友本來得到準備多年、期待已久的外地的工作機會,亦因為武肺而要取消。然後一波又一波..Dec 16, 2020Dec 16, 2020