Marriage in 21st century meme (female version)

Feb 20, 2023

Above image : original male version which has been circulating online.

*** 原本想著只放在FB算了,可是FB竟把第13張移除及限制我的帳號,所以再patreon( 公開)。***** Facebook has blocked one of the image which is often seen in the original male version, and restricted my personal account, so I’m posting on patreon and here now*

As I keep seeing the post I just think to make a female version for a balance lol😂


Wenn ich den Beitrag immer wieder sehe, denke ich nur daran, eine weibliche Version für ein Gleichgewicht zu machen, lol😂


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Female version:




Articles mainly in Cantonese, sometime English or German, about Hongkong politic or life in Germany. 非華裔香港人。文章以粤語及正體中文為主,偶有英語或德語。主要寫香港政治歷史,有時寫語文研究/天文/德國生活。