Tear gas is harmless — Tränengas ist ungiftig

2 min readNov 24, 2019

(Deutsch unten)

🇬🇧 Many creatures, mainly birds, are found dead these days in Hong Kong. Large amount of dioxin produced by the tear gas probably is the reason causing the deaths.

Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer.

Chemistry expert Dr. K Kwong explains that the dioxins do in fact come from Chinese made tear gas. It is also suggested that pregnancy in this few years will be risky as it might cause abnormal fetal growth and extremely worrisome for new born babies.

But of course the puppet government said it’s all fine and the tear gas is not harmful, they are just rumours on internet. Well then why all those dead street animals and skin problems of protesters/first aid/journalists?


🇩🇪 Viele tiere, hauptsächlich tote Vögel, sind auf der straße in Hongkong zu finden. Eine große Menge Dioxin, die durch das Tränengas erzeugt wird, verursacht wahrscheinlich die Todesfälle.

Dioxine sind hochgiftig und können Fortpflanzungs- und Entwicklungsstörungen verursachen, das Immunsystem schädigen, Hormone stören und daher Krebs verursachen…




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