Without authors, Medium is just a backup blog

2 min readOct 6, 2023

I used to write a lot more — not that I am lazy now and don’t write, and not just because I am busy — I won’t say I’m “giving up” on Medium, but I am definitely not going to invest as much time in it anymore .

Last year I was able to make some extra money by sharing articles here first. I’m not a famous author, but I make some money that I can use to buy a meal or two a month. Since…




Articles mainly in Cantonese, sometime English or German, about Hongkong politic or life in Germany. 非華裔香港人。文章以粤語及正體中文為主,偶有英語或德語。主要寫香港政治歷史,有時寫語文研究/天文/德國生活。